Sunday, 25 March 2007

Blogging: What Am I Doing?

My wife of 16 years thinks that I am opiniated, arrogant, selfish and is fed up listening to my various rants on the the news of the day. She blogs, , and Take a look you’ll soon get the gist. What do I blog for? To get things off my chest, to make a difference or just for my ego? The desperation I have for a comment is overwhelming, thanks to Andrew Eglington at Desperate Curiosity for showing an interest but it hasn’t satisfied my sudden urge for recognition. I need to know someone is listening and worse than that I need to know that people think my ramblings are of some interest.
How do I get someone to read my blog ? How do I know how many people are out there? What the fuck have I started? If you happen to stumble across me, please let me know your there. This is starting to hurt and I only started out of pity for the missus. God help me for I do not know what it is that I am doing.
Got to stop now need to see if anyones noticed me yet.


Anonymous said...

I've noticed, I'm reading, I'm watching.

I like what you've got to say so make sure you keep it up!

Grumpy said...

I had just noticed your comment on my blog and have just had the chance to stop by. Apologies for not getting around to it sooner. Do you have any sort of site counter to see who is reading your blog? When I first started my blog Don't you hate it when I did so with the idea that I didn't care if anyone read it, I just had to put it out there. Then I got a few comments and wondered about folks visiting. I got a site counter and noticed more and more people coming by. I have a few folks that I'd consider regulars, and while I do this mostly for myself, it's nice to know they appreciate it as well. I've found there's a vast divide between the number of readers and the number of comments, so most folks I suppose prefer to stay silent. I'd offer up some advice too, if commenting is what you're after you might oughta allow anonymous comments. That's a big deterrent to people spontaneously speaking their mind. I haven't had any abuses yet. Thanks for commenting, and truth be told, just getting some of those things on my blog off my chest has helped me immensely, Mrs Grumpy has said things very similar to what your wife has said to you. But since I started blogging, not as much. Keep on keeping on.
A fellow ranter,